The Asian Center, University of the Philippines Diliman, together with The Japan Foundation, Manila will be holding a two-day conference, International Conference on Disasters in Asia, from 20–21 January 2015 at the Bohol Tropics Resort, Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines.

A Call for Papers has been released; conference organizers "welcomes proposals for panel presentations" on four topics:

  • Panel 1: Politics and Disaster
  • Panel 2: Economics and Disaster
  • Panel 3: Sociocultural Dimensions of Disaster
  • Panel 4: International Agencies and Disasters

Two panels, on Social and Work and Disaster and on Science Technology and Disaster, will be convened on a by-invitation basis only. The deadline for submissions is on 30 October 2014.

According to the call for papers, "panel concept notes must include the theoretical/paradigmatic perspective upon which the component presentations are built or hinged upon, making for a tight and clear discourse consistent with historical and most contemporary empirical evidence. Panel convenors are encouraged to build the same along multi/interdisciplinary lines with representations from at least three Asian disaster cases/experiences and from diverse institutional affiliations."

The conference is organized by the Asian Center, University of the Philippines Diliman with assistance from the Japan Foundation, Manila. Read the tentative program of the conference.