Assistant Professor
Ph.D. in Philippine Studies, University of the Philippines Diliman
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Development Studies • Japan Studies • Policy Science • Economics and Economic Diplomacy • Trade and Industry • National and Local Finance
2017. [Co-authored]. “Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Rapid Test Kit Used in the Field Monitoring of Iodine Content of Salt in the Philippine Market.” In Philippine Engineering Journal 38(1): 39-54.
2003. "Assessment of Absorptive Capacity for Government and Donor Funding: The Case of the Department of Health” In Discussion Papers DP 2003-21. Philippine Institute for Development Studies and Philippine Academic Consortium for Latin American Studies (PIDS-PACLAS), Manila. December 2003
2001. “Assessment of Absorptive Capacity for Government and Donor Funding: The Case of the Department of Health.” In Discussion Papers DP 2001-04. Philippine Institute for Development Studies, Makati City. February 2001
2001. [Co-authored]. “Translating the 20/20 Global Initiative in the Philippine Context.” Presidential Task Force on 20/20 Global Initiative." Discussion Paper Series No. 2001-04, Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP), August 2001.
1995. Palma, A.M. An Assessment of the Institutional Contribution of Prefectural Research Institutes to Technological Development: The Case of the Agricultural Sector. Council for Local Authorities and International Relations. Tokyo, Japan, September 1995
Assessment of Logistics Supply Chain and Delivery Mechanisms for Nutrition Commodities. An assessment of the prevailing logistics and supply chain, and the mechanism in the distribution of nutrition commodities to determine the bottlenecks that constrain the availability to the intended beneficiaries.
Ex-Post Evaluation of the Technical Cooperation Project for Capacity Development in Public-Private Paertnership. A technical cooperation project between the governments of Japan and the Philippines that involved institutional capacitation on public-private partnership schemes for flagship projects. The evaluation of this project after implementation involved relevance of policies, institutional capacities at the national and sub-national levels. Provided inputs to evaluation and analysis of data and field information
Ex-Post Evaluation of the Project on Equipment Improvement for DisasterRisk Management. The evaluation of two national agencies namely, the Department of Public Works and Highways and Philippine Volcanic and Seismology department entailed examination of the efficiency in the adoption of disaster-mitigation equipment. Relevant field data at the national and regional levels were obtained, both primary and secondary.
Ex-Post Evaluation of Mini-Hydropower Development Project in the Province of Ifugao. An ex-post evaluation of a project grant to the province of Ifugao in the set-up of a mini-hydropower plant to address power outages in the province.
Ex-Post Evaluation of the Post-Disaster Stand-by Loan. A program loan extended by the Japan International Cooperation Agency to the Department of Finance. A joint evaluation of a program loan that served as budget support to disaster-related agencies. Provided inputs to evaluation and analysis of data and field information
Ex-Post Evaluation of the Development Policy Support Program-Investment Climate. A program loan extended by the Japan International Cooperation Agency, and co-financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) aimed at the improvement of the investment climate. Analyzed project performance and assessed based on OECD criteria.
Ex-Post Evaluation of the Disaster Risk Reduction Management. A project financed by the Japan International Cooperation Agency with the Office of Civil Defense (OCD), an ex-post evaluation of the achievement of targets on disaster-related measures. Rendered evaluation analysis on the project’s accomplishments, both technical and financial
Nutrition Interventions for Women of Reproductive Health (WRA): A Review of Related Literature. A compilation and analyses of related literature on WRA presented before the Department of Health’s Regional health and nutrition officers in a consultative workshop of July 2017.
The Asian Fund for the Promotion of Social Entrepreneurship: Market Study and Preliminary Institutional Design. A Study and database establishment of social entrepreneurs with the Team from Impact Finance Management SA for German KfW
Operationalization of Local Incentive Dispensation Towards Universal Salt Iodization. A Study rendered to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to assist eligible salt producers in actual incentive availment.
Access of Salt Industry to Incentives for the Improvement of their Participation to the Salt Iodization Program. A Study rendered to the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) to assist salt producers in operational expansion.
Situation Analysis of Small-Scale Salt Producers in Occidental Mindoro. A Study for the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) as input the proposed creation of a Salt Cooperative for the domestic industry.
Incentives to Salt Iodization: Focus on Creating a Plan of Advocacy. A Study for the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
A Study of the Cost Structure and Distribution Channels of Salt. A Study for the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in the promotion of the National Salt Iodization Program
Market Survey of the Food Processing Industry in the Philippines. A Study for the Overseas Agricultural Development Association (OADA), in cooperation with the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Collection and Quantification of Non-Tariff Measures in the Philippines, A Structured Industry survey of Philippine Exporters across sectors rendered for the United Nations Center for Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and International Finance Corporation (IFC)
Survey on Crisis Impact of Non-Tariff Measures on Exporting and Importing Countries: The Philippine Case. A Follow-up Survey on Exporting and Importing operations in the Philippines and the Impact of Global Crisis. Launched an industrial survey based on structured questionnaire, and rendered findings and recommendations to UNCTAD
Research on Industrial Human Resource Development in the Philippines. An industrial survey and research conducted for the Mitsubishi Research Institute of Japan
A Study on Corporate Investments and the Environment: The Philippine Case. A Project for the US-AEP under the Louis Berger Group, Inc., July 2001: Louis Berger Group, Inc.\
Follow-up Field Survey of the Industrial Sub-sector Development Project in the Philippines. A follow-up survey involving four industrial sub-sectors, a project of Japan International Cooperation Agency, January 2000: UNICO International Corporation
Survey of Toxic and Hazardous Waste Production in the Industrial Sector. A research survey submitted to Vera Corporation in support of its business development efforts to engage in Waste-to-Energy Facility in the Philippines as well as plastic scrap collection and recycling, February 1997
Ex-Post Evaluation of the Northern Negros Geothermal Power Plant in Mt. Kanlaon. A project financed by the Japan International Cooperation Agency, a project now privatized but was formerly a government project. Rendered evaluation inputs based on technical data and financial disbursements vs. accomplishments.
Ex-Post Evaluation of Energy Projects financed by the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (now JICA): The Cases of Mak-ban and Tiwi Power Plants. An ex-post project evaluation for JBIC, which involved field consultations and survey of beneficiary communities, as integral parts of the project evaluation
Japan Bank for International Cooperation- Program for Improvement of Disbursement of Major JBIC-Funded Projects
Japan Bank for International Cooperation’s Mid-term Review of Ongoing Projects in the Philippines. Rendered evaluation inputs to mid-term phase of several projects that included water supply and sanitation
Japan Bank for International Cooperation-Special Assistance for Project Implementation (JBIC-SAPI) for the Local Government Unit Support Credit Program (LGUSCP) with focus on an Assessment of the Extent of Devolution of Local Government Functions. Assessed program implementation of the Local Government Unit Support Credit Program, specifically projects with Land Bank of the Philippines as conduit
Industrial Survey for the Support Program for the SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) Development Plan. A Development Plan for SMEs with assistance from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Launched a nationwide industrial survey of SMEs for the development of a Development Plan for SME; rendered analysis and report, after administering the field survey
Japan Overseas Development Corporation (JODC) Technical Assistance for Capacity-Building for the Philippine Tool, Die and Mould Industry
United States-Asia Environmental Partnership-Study on the Environmental Investments in the Philippines. A Study conducted for Louis Berger International Group, Inc. (including Ecozone Locators)
A Follow-up Survey of the Industrial Sub-sector Development in the Philippines. A project funded under the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Phase 2 of the project, where further program evaluation was undertaken
Establishment of Trade Database for the Industry Sector under the Industrial Support Services Expansion Program II (ISSEP II) of the Development Bank of the Philippines. Led the local team that was responsible for the build-up of database for industries.
Supplier and Buyer Database Information Project for the Philippine Tool, Die and Mould Industry
Japan International Cooperation Agency’s (JICA) Assistance on Business Establishments Database System for the National Statistics Office (NSO)
Evaluation of the FAHAN (Foundation for the Assistance of the Hansenites) Program, a program evaluation for Belgium’s VIC
Analysis of Market and Financial Viability of Commercial Leasing for the PSMBFI Proposed Building Development. A study for Public Safety and Mutual Benefit Fund, Inc.
A Survey of Private Rental Housing in the Metro Manila. A primary data gathering of lessor and lessee preferences for Housing and Urban Development and Coordinating Council (HUDCC), a JICA-assisted project.
PS 224 Philippine Industrialization & Urbanization
PS 249 Design & Evaluation of Development Projects
- Ph.D. in Philippine Studies, University of the Philippines Diliman
- M.A. in Policy Analysis and Development Studies, Saitama University
- B.A. Economics, School of Economics, University of the Philippines Diliman
- Development Studies
- Japan Studies
- Policy Science
- Economics and Economic Diplomacy
- Trade and Industry
- National and Local Finance
2017. [Co-authored]. “Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Rapid Test Kit Used in the Field Monitoring of Iodine Content of Salt in the Philippine Market.” In Philippine Engineering Journal 38(1): 39-54.
2003. "Assessment of Absorptive Capacity for Government and Donor Funding: The Case of the Department of Health” In Discussion Papers DP 2003-21. Philippine Institute for Development Studies and Philippine Academic Consortium for Latin American Studies (PIDS-PACLAS), Manila. December 2003
2001. “Assessment of Absorptive Capacity for Government and Donor Funding: The Case of the Department of Health.” In Discussion Papers DP 2001-04. Philippine Institute for Development Studies, Makati City. February 2001
2001. [Co-authored]. “Translating the 20/20 Global Initiative in the Philippine Context.” Presidential Task Force on 20/20 Global Initiative." Discussion Paper Series No. 2001-04, Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP), August 2001.
1995. Palma, A.M. An Assessment of the Institutional Contribution of Prefectural Research Institutes to Technological Development: The Case of the Agricultural Sector. Council for Local Authorities and International Relations. Tokyo, Japan, September 1995
Assessment of Logistics Supply Chain and Delivery Mechanisms for Nutrition Commodities. An assessment of the prevailing logistics and supply chain, and the mechanism in the distribution of nutrition commodities to determine the bottlenecks that constrain the availability to the intended beneficiaries.
Ex-Post Evaluation of the Technical Cooperation Project for Capacity Development in Public-Private Paertnership. A technical cooperation project between the governments of Japan and the Philippines that involved institutional capacitation on public-private partnership schemes for flagship projects. The evaluation of this project after implementation involved relevance of policies, institutional capacities at the national and sub-national levels. Provided inputs to evaluation and analysis of data and field information
Ex-Post Evaluation of the Project on Equipment Improvement for DisasterRisk Management. The evaluation of two national agencies namely, the Department of Public Works and Highways and Philippine Volcanic and Seismology department entailed examination of the efficiency in the adoption of disaster-mitigation equipment. Relevant field data at the national and regional levels were obtained, both primary and secondary.
Ex-Post Evaluation of Mini-Hydropower Development Project in the Province of Ifugao. An ex-post evaluation of a project grant to the province of Ifugao in the set-up of a mini-hydropower plant to address power outages in the province.
Ex-Post Evaluation of the Post-Disaster Stand-by Loan. A program loan extended by the Japan International Cooperation Agency to the Department of Finance. A joint evaluation of a program loan that served as budget support to disaster-related agencies. Provided inputs to evaluation and analysis of data and field information
Ex-Post Evaluation of the Development Policy Support Program-Investment Climate. A program loan extended by the Japan International Cooperation Agency, and co-financed by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) aimed at the improvement of the investment climate. Analyzed project performance and assessed based on OECD criteria.
Ex-Post Evaluation of the Disaster Risk Reduction Management. A project financed by the Japan International Cooperation Agency with the Office of Civil Defense (OCD), an ex-post evaluation of the achievement of targets on disaster-related measures. Rendered evaluation analysis on the project’s accomplishments, both technical and financial
Nutrition Interventions for Women of Reproductive Health (WRA): A Review of Related Literature. A compilation and analyses of related literature on WRA presented before the Department of Health’s Regional health and nutrition officers in a consultative workshop of July 2017.
The Asian Fund for the Promotion of Social Entrepreneurship: Market Study and Preliminary Institutional Design. A Study and database establishment of social entrepreneurs with the Team from Impact Finance Management SA for German KfW
Operationalization of Local Incentive Dispensation Towards Universal Salt Iodization. A Study rendered to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to assist eligible salt producers in actual incentive availment.
Access of Salt Industry to Incentives for the Improvement of their Participation to the Salt Iodization Program. A Study rendered to the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) to assist salt producers in operational expansion.
Situation Analysis of Small-Scale Salt Producers in Occidental Mindoro. A Study for the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) as input the proposed creation of a Salt Cooperative for the domestic industry.
Incentives to Salt Iodization: Focus on Creating a Plan of Advocacy. A Study for the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
A Study of the Cost Structure and Distribution Channels of Salt. A Study for the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in the promotion of the National Salt Iodization Program
Market Survey of the Food Processing Industry in the Philippines. A Study for the Overseas Agricultural Development Association (OADA), in cooperation with the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Collection and Quantification of Non-Tariff Measures in the Philippines, A Structured Industry survey of Philippine Exporters across sectors rendered for the United Nations Center for Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and International Finance Corporation (IFC)
Survey on Crisis Impact of Non-Tariff Measures on Exporting and Importing Countries: The Philippine Case. A Follow-up Survey on Exporting and Importing operations in the Philippines and the Impact of Global Crisis. Launched an industrial survey based on structured questionnaire, and rendered findings and recommendations to UNCTAD
Research on Industrial Human Resource Development in the Philippines. An industrial survey and research conducted for the Mitsubishi Research Institute of Japan
A Study on Corporate Investments and the Environment: The Philippine Case. A Project for the US-AEP under the Louis Berger Group, Inc., July 2001: Louis Berger Group, Inc.\
Follow-up Field Survey of the Industrial Sub-sector Development Project in the Philippines. A follow-up survey involving four industrial sub-sectors, a project of Japan International Cooperation Agency, January 2000: UNICO International Corporation
Survey of Toxic and Hazardous Waste Production in the Industrial Sector. A research survey submitted to Vera Corporation in support of its business development efforts to engage in Waste-to-Energy Facility in the Philippines as well as plastic scrap collection and recycling, February 1997
Ex-Post Evaluation of the Northern Negros Geothermal Power Plant in Mt. Kanlaon. A project financed by the Japan International Cooperation Agency, a project now privatized but was formerly a government project. Rendered evaluation inputs based on technical data and financial disbursements vs. accomplishments.
Ex-Post Evaluation of Energy Projects financed by the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (now JICA): The Cases of Mak-ban and Tiwi Power Plants. An ex-post project evaluation for JBIC, which involved field consultations and survey of beneficiary communities, as integral parts of the project evaluation
Japan Bank for International Cooperation- Program for Improvement of Disbursement of Major JBIC-Funded Projects
Japan Bank for International Cooperation’s Mid-term Review of Ongoing Projects in the Philippines. Rendered evaluation inputs to mid-term phase of several projects that included water supply and sanitation
Japan Bank for International Cooperation-Special Assistance for Project Implementation (JBIC-SAPI) for the Local Government Unit Support Credit Program (LGUSCP) with focus on an Assessment of the Extent of Devolution of Local Government Functions. Assessed program implementation of the Local Government Unit Support Credit Program, specifically projects with Land Bank of the Philippines as conduit
Industrial Survey for the Support Program for the SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) Development Plan. A Development Plan for SMEs with assistance from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Launched a nationwide industrial survey of SMEs for the development of a Development Plan for SME; rendered analysis and report, after administering the field survey
Japan Overseas Development Corporation (JODC) Technical Assistance for Capacity-Building for the Philippine Tool, Die and Mould Industry
United States-Asia Environmental Partnership-Study on the Environmental Investments in the Philippines. A Study conducted for Louis Berger International Group, Inc. (including Ecozone Locators)
A Follow-up Survey of the Industrial Sub-sector Development in the Philippines. A project funded under the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Phase 2 of the project, where further program evaluation was undertaken
Establishment of Trade Database for the Industry Sector under the Industrial Support Services Expansion Program II (ISSEP II) of the Development Bank of the Philippines. Led the local team that was responsible for the build-up of database for industries.
Supplier and Buyer Database Information Project for the Philippine Tool, Die and Mould Industry
Japan International Cooperation Agency’s (JICA) Assistance on Business Establishments Database System for the National Statistics Office (NSO)
Evaluation of the FAHAN (Foundation for the Assistance of the Hansenites) Program, a program evaluation for Belgium’s VIC
Analysis of Market and Financial Viability of Commercial Leasing for the PSMBFI Proposed Building Development. A study for Public Safety and Mutual Benefit Fund, Inc.
A Survey of Private Rental Housing in the Metro Manila. A primary data gathering of lessor and lessee preferences for Housing and Urban Development and Coordinating Council (HUDCC), a JICA-assisted project.
PS 224 Philippine Industrialization & Urbanization
PS 249 Design & Evaluation of Development Projects
- Ph.D. in Philippine Studies, University of the Philippines Diliman
- M.A. in Policy Analysis and Development Studies, Saitama University
- B.A. Economics, School of Economics, University of the Philippines Diliman
- Development Studies
- Japan Studies
- Policy Science
- Economics and Economic Diplomacy
- Trade and Industry
- National and Local Finance